Studio Chair

"a blog about my studio" / home,, @tombubul. Created 12/7/14.

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November chair

- Some months I'm not gonna say much, but I'm still gonna post a new, numbered, relaxing html page on my website to keep this series going unbroken.
- "It's the season" to take vitamin d and omega 3s
- Guinness cans were $10/four pack at the coin pusher bodega the other night
- At the mild risk of messing up Allen's dropbox, here's a link to Joe Buzzell's discog, by year/record:

Desk Memo #3

Hey I said I was gonna do this and it just organically happened: I have two short text pieces that are gonna make up the new Desk Memo.

Desk Memo is a free, authenticated 8.5"x11" double-sided printout that I hand to you or send to you in the mail. Send your address via the request form.


I started attending a painting critique class at the Bruce High Quality Foundation University free school after work on Mondays. The format is "the instructor has a conversation with a guest artist" followed by "group critiques of paintings students bring in."

This has been v beneficial & fun for me so far, with many positive angles, including:

- Sitting in a room with strangers where there is no expectation or requirement that I do anything specific has been lovely for basic perspective-alignment and days-processing. Doing this for just two hours/week makes my normal spaces and work feel more clear.

- I've been able to see my work more directly by looking at it in a room where it's unburdened by context or expectations, including/especially my own. This feels obvious, but it's already been useful for confirming things I maybe only knew on a hunch-basis?

- Realized I'm on the attack way, way too much in art spaces, and that I need to learn to interface with art that does not address (let alone "satisfy") my values and aesthetics without compulsively attacking or choosing to say nothing.

A lot more to say here, but this's probably good for now - suspect this will be a continuing thread.

On the stove

Still working on generating a large text. Think it's getting slower because it's developing gravity... target endpoint for this is still "a long fiction piece," though I'm at least gonna have enough silly rhyming material that it'll be worth recording a tape. Should be ready to start forming something circa February = accumulating until then. Might post an excerpt routine next month to real it up a little?

Meanwhile here's a progress shot and some drawings:

getting there with this

forgot I had photoshop!!!


Got to see Mikey & Alee screening in a DIY space, paired well with Mikey's screening last month at Lincoln Center... Went to this play "The Belle of Amherst" during a parents visit, thought I was gonna melt = I watch "normal bad/boring" movies so I thought I'd be able to handle this but wow, going to a "normal bad/boring" performance (the woman from Event Horizon in a solo performance as Emily Dickinson, via a psychotically knuckle-headed script) really threw me for a loop = Terror-feelings re: cultural disbelief & total inability to identify or be immersed plus normal "this is 'top level' theater?!?"-style incredulo... Sagerman show was good and had one incredible painting:

love the maximum goofball keanu = point break ruled - "That's bodhi, they call him 'the bodhisattva'... he's a modern savage, he's a real searcher" (it's swayze / fuuuuck)... said "definitely check out 'birdman'" several times this month... dom hemingway was the worst movie I've seen in a long while... interstellar "so heavy" (kinda loved the stupefying "explaining" sequences in this and inception)